
  • A Police Report Can Help You With Your Accident Claim

    After a car accident, it's standard to call the police and have the incident documented in the form of a police report. While this document is the first step in proving that the accident occurred, the report can also be used to prove your claims about the accident. Learn how to use the police report to your advantage. Highlighting Fault A key element in any accident claim is proving fault. In many states, a declaration of fault will determine who is responsible for the collision and, therefore, who will be left to foot the bill for the cost of any property damage and medical bills.
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  • Internet Insults: Understanding Libelous Actions

    Social media has created an entirely new opportunity to be insulted and gossiped about. While many who post online enjoy a certain level of anonymity, that doesn't mean they can post whatever they like with impunity. If you have suffered from the devastating effects of online bullying or other bad actions, you may have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands. Read on to find out more about this particular form of defamation.
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  • How Your Attorney Determines How Much Money You Should Get For Your Injuries

    If you have been injured in an accident and your injuries are rather severe, you may have already retained personal injury attorney services. Even if you haven't just yet, you might still wonder just how your attorney is going to be able to put a price on what you have gone through. How will they determine how much money they should work to get from the person or company that is at fault for your injuries?
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  • Settlements And Judgments: Know The Differences

    There are two main ways to be paid for your injuries after a motorcycle accident. If you've been injured by another driver, you are entitled to a number of personal injury damages. After consulting with your personal injury attorney, you will know more about what to expect in the coming weeks. To get you started, take a look at the two ways accident victims are compensated: a settlement and a court judgment.
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  • Making The Decision To File A Personal Injury Lawsuit

    If you are hurt in an accident, filing a personal injury lawsuit may be the last thing on your mind. Unfortunately, if you have been hurt bad enough that you can't work, have extensive medical bills, you may need to file a lawsuit to get the financial compensation you deserve. If you are injured because of the negligence or willful misconduct of another person, you are entitled to receive money for your damages.
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  • Tips for Preparing for a Consultation with a Workers' Compensation Lawyer

    In many cases, workers' compensation cases can be handled by filling out a few forms and submitting them to your employer's workers' compensation insurance company. However, if issues arise, such as your claim being denied or problems being compensated for lost wages, it may be necessary to hire a lawyer to assist you. If you have a complicated compensation case, it is essential to hire an experienced workers' compensation lawyer to represent you.
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  • Feel As Though You're Being Pushed Out Of These Careers Because Of Your Age? Consult A Discrimination Attorney

    One of the many different types of harassment that you might face at work is age-related discrimination. While it's possible that you might fail to get hired by a company — despite being highly qualified — because of your age, it's also possible for you to get fewer opportunities or to even get shuffled out of your existing role because management deems you to be too old. If you've faced such a situation, you should bring your case to the attention of an attorney who handles discrimination cases.
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  • 3 Ways That You Can Help Yourself Get Approved For Social Security Disability

    Now that you're disabled and unable to work full-time in order to support yourself, you might be hoping to get approved for Social Security Disability. This isn't easy, though, and you might be scared that you will get denied. Of course, this is always a possibility, since Social Security Disability law can be a bit confusing. Following these tips can help you help yourself get approved, however. 1. Hire a Lawyer
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  • Proving Soft Tissue Injury After A Car Accident

    Soft tissue injuries aren't always visible to the naked eye so you may have a problem proving their existence after a car accident. However, this doesn't mean that you are doomed if soft tissue injuries are the only ones you have suffered. Here are a few tips to use in conjunction with an accident attorney to prove your injuries and get the compensation you deserve: Documentation of Medical Treatment In any type of car accident, medical records are some of the strongest forms of evidence you can have for your claim.
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  • How To Know When You Can Sue A Trucking Company

    A collision with a truck can lead to serious injuries. Not only will you need to file a claim against the truck driver's insurance provider, but you may also be able to seek legal action against the employer of the trucking company. Seeking compensation from the trucking company can be difficult depending on the employment status of the truck driver and other factors. The Consequences of a Truck Accident Most injuries caused by trucks lead to death.
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