5 Reasons Why It's Not Wrong To Settle Your Injury Case

Posted on: 24 February 2023

If you've been injured due to the negligence or liability of another party, you may have to sue them in order to get the compensation you need to fully recover. But you will also have to make the decision whether to take the matter to a full trial or to settle. 

Many people feel that settling their case has a negative connotation. Because it's a compromise, they may worry about leaving money on the table or being seen as lacking confidence in their case. Settling, though, is not the wrong choice. In fact, it can be the right choice for many people. Here are five reasons why.

1. Many Cases Settle

Know that you are not in the minority if you choose to settle your case. Many, many cases settle before or during the trial. The same reasons that you should consider it are the reasons your fellow plaintiffs have also considered it. So don't fear the idea of settling. 

2. Lawsuits Are Stressful

Are you prepared for the time, energy, and stress that a trial will involve? Personal injury cases are unique in that the plaintiff is usually also dealing with physical or emotional trauma during the court case. This may be worth it for a plaintiff, but it may not be. Only you can decide what is in your own best interests. 

3. Court Takes Time

One big advantage settling has over court cases is its speed. A settlement can be negotiated, agreed upon, signed, and delivered in a fraction of the time a court trial will require. This shouldn't be your only motivation, but injured plaintiffs may do well to get the funds they need when they need them. 

4. You Can Settle at Any Time

Don't feel like you must settle at the outset of your lawsuit or even at the first offer made. You may settle at any point in the entire process — even during the trial — as long as a verdict has not been returned. So you can wait until you have seen enough of the other party's case, such as after discovery, to accurately gauge your own case. 

5. You Have Control

Rather than relinquishing control, settling gives you more power. You participate in negotiations, you decide what to accept or reject, and you decide when is the right time to settle. If you go to trial, you are beholden to the decisions of strangers. 

Where to Start

No matter what stage of the personal injury process you are in, settling may be a good choice. But it should always be made with the help of a qualified personal injury lawyer in your state. Make an appointment with a local firm such as Labine Law Firm  today to learn more.
